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Content-Based Digital Number Talks

July 13, 2019 in Digital Learning, Math

I love the idea of beginning my math class with number talks. My students were engaged in discussion with their peers about the computation process. They were sharing different ways to solve the same problem. There were lots of smiles and “ahhh! I get it” moments.

But, I like to keep things fresh in my classroom.

Number Talks with a Twist:

I love using a new strategy, but after a while things start to get boring and repeated. I know if my students are going to grow, I have to keep them engaged. And in my opinion that means spicing things up a little bit.

I loved the discussion aspect of the number talk but I knew I could take this to another level by incorporating our math content.

I decided to create number talks that were based around the 3rd grade math content we were studying at the time. You can read about my place value number talks here.

To begin, I thought about 5 or 6 different types of activities that we do in each unit. Then, I created slides with prompts for my students.

Click here to download a FREE sample of my 3rd Grade Digital Number Talks for Place Value.

Number Talks in Action

At the beginning of each math class, all I have to do is open my PowerPoint and project it for my students. NO PREP at all for me! (I love this. I am always trying to simplify my teacher life.)

My students get out their white boards and work out each problem. Typical number talks focus on mental math. But, I think it is more fitting to allow students to show their work when they are reviewing previously learned content. I WANT them to show their work… I preach that 24/7!

After displaying the problem, I give my students a few minutes to solve their problem and then I begin the discussion. Sometimes I have them turn and talk with a partner first. I do this to get them comfortable discussing their idea & strategy with others before presenting it to the whole group.

I saw many immediate benefits when I began using these content-based number talks:

  • My students were mastering the content we were learning in our unit.
  • I was able to see (clearly) who needed intervention. My students always hold their boards up real quick for me to see. Then I can glance quickly at the boards and “take inventory” of my students. For this reason, I preferred the white boards to typical notebook paper.
  • Students were developing their speaking and listening skills as they explained their answer and their reasoning.
  • Student misconceptions were being cleared up (either by me or by their peers).
  • Students were engaged!

I have uploaded all of the content-based number talks that I have created for 3rd grade. I find these to be a huge time saver for me & a great learning tool for my students! Visit my TPT store to check them out!

checknout my place value digital number talks

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