In my previous post, I wrote about branching out from traditional number talks and incorporating content. You can read my post about what this looks like in my classroom & the benefits I saw from making this change. Today, I will highlight my place value number talks and the different activities that I chose to include.
Number Forms & Equations

In this activity, students must show different ways to make the given number. The possibilities for this are endless. Students could show the different number forms (word form, expanded form, etc), create number sentences that are equal to the number, draw a model of the number with place value blocks, etc.
This activity is designed to help students build number sense. Students are seeking different ways to make the same number, which encourages them to play around with the math.
I found that my students preferred to make number sentences for the given number. They got a kick out of seeing how creative they could get with their math. I hardly ever received answers like “60+4” (although nothing would have been wrong with that!).
Once students learned multiplication, it was GAME ON! Their responses became even more creative then. For a number like 64, I began to receive answers such as: “5 x 6 = 30, 3 x 10 = 30, 30 + 30 = 60, 60 + 4 = 64.”
I like that this activity allows for diverse responses. There is no ONE right answer. That makes this a great activity for various levels of learners.
Rounding to the nearest 10 & 100

This rounding activity meets Common Core math standards 3NBT 1 & 2. It takes rounding to the next level. Students are given a number & they must list ALL of the numbers that will round to the given number. This activity stumps most students the first few times, but then they catch on & can complete it quickly

Guess my number

Guess my number includes so many place value and critical thinking skills. The students must read the clues carefully and utilize them as best they can. Sometimes the problems are straightforward and sometimes they have to read the clues multiple times to crack the mystery.
When my students end up with varying answers, I choose a few to write their numbers on the white board in our classroom. Then we discuss the options and choose which one meets all of the clues.
Would you rather?

Students must make a choice between the amounts in Box A or Box B. This activity helps to reinforce place value skills.
Comparing & Ordering Numbers
Comparing numbers with a twist…
Students must determine what the numbers are before they can compare them. These activities review basic & advanced place value skills.

If you would like to use Place Value Number Talks in your math class, you can check them out here.

Looking for more number talks?
Digital Number Talks are part of our daily routine in my math class. I switch up the activities to match the content we are currently covering in our math lessons. You can read more about my multiplication number talks here or addition and subtraction here.