Here’s what I think about weekly vocabulary words: they are crucial!
I’m a huge fan of Scarborough’s reading rope (Google it!). The rope is an analogy of the important skills that are involved with reading comprehension. One strand of the rope is vocabulary.
When vocabulary is weak… so is reading comprehension!
Teachers must devote time to vocabulary instruction. But, we need to be strategic in the way we plan this instruction for our students.
The first step is choosing the correct number of words.

How many weekly vocabulary words should you choose?
This depends on your grade level. But, I have found 5 to be a perfect number for my third graders.
FIVE! That’s it. No more no less.
Older students may be able to handle more words, and younger students need even less. I would focus on 3-4 words if I taught kindergarten or first grade. In fifth grade, I may consider choosing 6-7 words.
I have found five words to be the sweet spot for third graders.

Too Many Vocabulary Words = Too Much Overwhelm
One year, I did 8 words per week. My school adopted a BIG name reading curriculum and I used their vocabulary lists. I trusted their judgment, even though I thought 8 words was a little much.
Bad idea.
My students were overwhelmed with that number of words. They couldn’t keep them separated and the meanings got all jumbled up. When this happens, vocabulary instruction becomes a waste of time.
I want my students to REALLY learn those words. They can’t do that when I’m overloading them with words.
Instead, we focus on 5 words each week and I plan daily activities to help students really learn the word meanings.
By choosing just 5 words, I’m able to teach my students to really learn 180 tier-2 vocabulary words over the course of the school year.
I begin my vocabulary instruction the FIRST week of school! Why waste any time? This is a great opportunity to begin teaching structure and classroom routines.
If you want to learn more about my vocabulary routine, I have detailed it in this blog post.

Vocabulary Instruction in the Classroom
I’ve got the perfect vocabulary resource to introduce your students to 180 tier-2 vocabulary words during the upcoming school year! 👀
Can you imagine the direct impact this will have on your students’ reading comprehension? My students have made tremendous vocabulary gains with this ONE resource.
Take the guesswork out of your vocabulary lesson planning. This resource has you covered. Its vocabulary made easy. Just what you’ve been looking for!
Try It Out
Want to learn more about a systematic approach to vocabulary instruction? Then you’ll love my Yearlong Vocabulary Curriculum.
I created this resource specifically for teachers in grades 3 and 4 to help you ditch the overwhelm and tedious work of planning vocabulary instruction.
Do you want an exclusive sneak-peek into Week 1 of my vocabulary curriculum? I’ll send you everything you need: the word list, word cards, digital activities, printables, website links, and an assessment. Click below to check it out! I can’t wait to hear what you think of it!
Looking for more information about Yearlong Vocabulary Instruction?
6 Simple Vocabulary Activities