Like many other teachers, I use a composition notebook to help my students create a reference for our reading class.
In this post I will explain how I use a third grade reading interactive notebook to help boost my students’ comprehension skills.
Interactive notebooks are composition books where students can store their learning and thoughts about classroom material. Pretty much the modern day textbook, but created by students.
Third grade is a big adjustment for many students. This year, students shift from ‘learning to read’ to ‘reading to learn.’ Third graders are introduced to strategies that will develop their comprehension skills.
Notebook Organization
At the beginning of the year, I help students divide their notebooks into three sections: literature, informational, and read & respond. Students glue tabs into their notebooks to create section dividers.
This is very helpful for separating content. The dividers help students access older notes or activities we have completed together.
A Tool for Recording Learning
Each time I introduce a new reading skill to my students, they glue a mini-anchor chart in their notebooks.
I always make anchor charts to introduce new strategies to my students. Once, I hung all of our anchor charts around my room. As a result, my walls were quickly filled. Too much wall decor is distracting for many students. Also, it’s a fire hazard! (Our Fire Marshall is very strict!)
So, I made mini- charts that can be glued in the notebooks. After the lesson, students can refer back to the chart anytime throughout the year.
All anchor charts for are glued behind their matching tab: literature or informational.
The Literature section is for anchor charts, and activities that teach the literature standards.
The informational section holds all anchor charts and strategies that students use for non-fiction.
Interactive Activities

Often with new skills, students complete short activities during my mini-lessons. These activities are glued into their notebooks for future reference. I do not grade them. I only assess my students after they have been taught a skill, not while I introduce it.
Read & Respond
This section is where my students respond to their reading. I give response prompts and they record their answers here. Sometimes I will give them a graphic organizer and they will glue this into this section before completing it.
Ready to Get Started?
Want a free sample of my third grade reading interactive notebooks? Click here for a FREE download of 3 inference pages.
You can check out my literature or informational third grade interactive notebooks in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.